Podcast Marketing Guide: 7 Strategies To Promote Your Show

No matter how good your content is, if nobody can find it, chances are you’re not going to get much traction. In other words, when you’ve put so much of yourself into a podcast, you need to make sure you reach your target audience!

In this guide, we will show you seven proven strategies we have uncovered that can help you increase visibility, boost rankings, and create new monetization opportunities for your show. So, let’s dive right in.

Why Should You Promote Your Podcast?

Promoting your podcast is essential for attracting new listeners, engaging with your existing audience, and building a community around your show.

Did you know that, at the time of writing this article, there are about 4 million podcasts available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts, among others? So to stand out, it isn’t enough to just publish more episodes — you need to market your podcast!

Before we jump into our best tips to get more podcast listeners, let’s quickly list the benefits of promoting your show:

  • You can build and grow an audience: You want people to love your podcast, right? Well, promoting it is like spreading the word and getting more folks to notice. Promotion helps you reach a wider audience and attract new listeners. By actively marketing your podcast, you can create a dedicated fan base that will wait eagerly for your next episode.
  • You can engage with your community: When you promote a podcast, you can also engage with your audience and build a community around your content on social media. That way, it’s not just you talking into a mic to your guests; it’s also you talking to your audience, AND your audience talking to each other!
  • You can get more monetization opportunities: If you want to make money from your podcast by getting sponsors or ads, having lots of people who really like your podcast is key. Advertisers want to promote their products where lots of people will hear them, so the more listeners you have who are into your show, the more likely you are to attract advertisers.
  • You can establish authority and credibility: Promoting your podcast helps establish your authority and credibility in your niche or industry. As more people discover and enjoy your content, you become recognized as an expert or influential voice in your field. It’s not just about talking the talk; it’s about walking the walk, and your podcast is your stage!

Seven Proven Strategies to Promote Your Podcast Episodes

Any kind of strategic planning can help you define clear objectives and goals – and allocate your resources effectively. This can be applied to any effort because identifying priorities and focusing on high-impact areas can help you reach maximum efficiency.

This all sounds a little convoluted, so let’s sum it up: Using a solid strategy to grow your podcast is like having a treasure map – it helps you navigate the podcasting world, attract more listeners, and turn your passion project into a booming success!

So, buckle up as we unravel the secrets to making your podcast the talk of the town.

Strategy #1: Release Multiple Episodes on Launch Day

Launching a podcast is exciting, and how you kick things off can significantly impact its long-term success. One effective strategy that has gained traction in the podcasting world is releasing multiple episodes on launch day. This approach goes beyond just a single introductory episode; it involves providing a substantial content offering right out of the gate; typically at least three episodes.

Creating a Binge-Worthy Experience

When you release multiple episodes on launch day, you’re essentially creating a binge-worthy experience for your audience. In today’s on-demand culture, people often enjoy consuming content in batches. So, offering a collection of episodes can allow your listeners to dive deep into your podcast from the start — increasing the likelihood that they’ll engage with your content for longer!

Generating Immediate Engagement and Interest

Launching with a handful of episodes doesn’t just grab your audience’s attention — it keeps them hooked. Instead of twiddling their thumbs for the next episode, your listeners can jump straight into the universe you’ve crafted. It’s like instant gratification for their ears, and who doesn’t love that?

Reducing Churn and Retaining Listeners

One of the challenges in the podcasting realm is preventing listener churn, where people try out a new podcast but don’t stick around. If you throw in a bunch of episodes at once, you’re giving your listeners more reasons to stick around. If they liked the first ones, it’s an easy hop to the next!

A multi-episode launch can help create anticipation and excitement. It’s like a grand opening for your podcast, and listeners love having something to look forward to. You can even sprinkle some hints about the upcoming episodes in your first releases, keeping the excitement rolling.

Optimizing for Podcast Platforms

Podcast platforms, including popular ones like Apple Podcasts and Spotify, often feature new shows prominently during their initial launch. When you drop a bunch of episodes, you’re upping your chances of getting noticed. Being in the spotlight during your launch means more eyes (or ears) on your podcast, potentially drawing in a bigger crowd.

Mixing It Up with Content Variety

Releasing several episodes on launch day allows you to showcase the diversity of your content. Different topics, formats, and cool guests – it’s like a sneak peek into the variety pack of your content. Give listeners a taste of everything, and watch them find their flavor.

Establishing Credibility and Commitment

Launching with multiple episodes isn’t just about quantity; it’s about showing you’re serious about your podcast project. It’s like telling your audience, “Hey, I’m committed, and I’ve put in the work.” This kind of dedication builds trust, and trust is like gold in the podcasting world. In other words, the commitment can contribute to building credibility and trust, crucial elements for long-term podcast success.

Encouraging Subscriber Growth

Podcast algorithms often favor shows with higher engagement levels, and releasing multiple episodes can contribute to this. The more folks engage and give you thumbs up early on, the higher the chances your podcast gets recommended to new ears. It’s like growing your podcast posse organically.

Tips for Implementing a Multi-Episode Launch

  • Prepare in advance: Before you hit the launch button, make sure you’ve got your podcast arsenal ready. So, take some show notes, plan, and produce multiple new episodes in advance.
  • Variety matters: Don’t be a one-hit wonder! Toss in a mix of different content flavors in your first episodes.
  • Promote across channels: Leverage social media, email newsletters, and other promotional channels to create buzz and direct attention to your multi-episode launch.
  • Encourage feedback: Podcasting is a two-way street. Don’t just talk; get your listeners in on the action. Ask them for their thoughts on those initial episodes.

Strategy #2: Submit to Podcast Aggregators and Directories

Strategy #2 on the road to podcast stardom is submitting your podcast to aggregators and directories. You can think of it as putting your show on the map for the whole podcasting world to see.

Let’s say you’ve got this amazing podcast.? Whether it’s a comedy goldmine, a storytelling masterpiece, or a knowledge-packed adventure – the world needs to hear it. But here’s the thing: just having a killer podcast isn’t enough. You need to make it easy for people to find you, and that’s where podcast aggregators and directories come into play.

What Are Aggregators and Directories?

First things first, let’s get the lingo straight. Podcast aggregators and directories are like the Yellow Pages of the podcasting universe. They’re the places where people go to discover and listen to podcasts. We’re talking big names here, like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and a bunch more.

Reaching a Global Audience

The first reason why aggregators are essential is their reach. Podcast directories are like the central hub of global podcast discovery. So, when you submit your podcast to these platforms, you’re opening the doors to listeners from all corners of the world. It’s not just your neighbor next door; it’s listeners in Tokyo, Berlin, and everywhere in between.

Being Where the People Are

Think about your own podcast-listening habits. Chances are, you’re using a podcast app or platform to find and enjoy your favorite shows. Well, your potential listeners are doing the same. By being where the people are looking, you increase the chances of your podcast getting discovered and enjoyed.

Getting a Credibility Boost

Being on major podcast directories doesn’t just help you get heard; it adds a sprinkle of credibility to your podcast. When people see your show listed alongside their favorite podcasts, it signals that you’re part of the podcasting scene. It’s like getting a nod of approval from the cool kids in the audio block.

How to Get Listed (Quick Reference Guide)

Now, you’re probably itching to know how to get your podcast on these directories. Don’t worry; it’s not rocket science – it’s podcast science! Here’s a simple roadmap:

Apple Podcasts
  • Grab your Apple ID and head to Apple Podcasts Connect.
  • Hit the ‘+’ sign to add a new show.
  • Enter your podcast details, submit your RSS feed, and voila – you’re in the Apple Podcasts club!
  • Jump into Spotify for Podcasters.
  • If you don’t have an account, sign up. If you do, log in.
  • Hit ‘Get Started,’ claim your podcast, and follow the steps to submit.
Google Podcasts
  • Visit Google Podcasts Manager.
  • Sign in with your Google account.
  • Add your podcast by entering your RSS feed URL, and Google will take care of the rest.

Platforms like Stitcher, TuneIn, and more have their submission processes. Visit their respective podcasters’ pages, sign up, and follow the submission steps.

Strategy #3: Ask Listeners to Subscribe, Share, and Leave Reviews

Picture this: You’ve got a podcast you are seriously proud of. The content’s gold, the banter’s on point, and the world needs to hear it. But how do you make sure your podcast isn’t just heard but loved and shared? Well, that’s where Strategy #3 struts in – prompting your listeners to subscribe, share, and leave reviews.

Why Subscribing is Like Hitting the VIP Section

When listeners hit that subscribe button, it’s like joining an exclusive club. They’re not just popping by randomly; they’re committed. Subscribers get your episodes delivered straight to their podcast player without lifting a finger. It’s like VIP access to your podcast party, and who wouldn’t want that?

Podcast platforms love consistency, and subscribers bring in the reliability factor. The more subscribers you have, the higher your podcast climbs in the rankings. So, when your latest episode drops, subscribers get a little notification – a reminder that your podcast is ready for their listening pleasure. It’s like having a personal podcast concierge!

Sharing: Turning Listeners into Your Podcast Street Team

There’s nothing like the power of a good ol’ recommendation. When listeners share your podcast, they’re becoming your podcast cheerleaders. Sharing opens the gates to a bigger audience. When your listeners share your episodes on social media or tell their friends, you’re reaching new ears. It’s not just about growing numbers; it’s about building a community around your podcast.

Why Reviews Are the Podcasting Gold Stars

Have you ever picked a restaurant based on glowing reviews? The same logic applies to podcasts. When listeners leave positive reviews, it builds trust with potential listeners. Reviews are like the gold stars that scream, “This podcast is worth your time!”

Plus, guess what podcast platforms love? Yup, you guessed it – reviews! Positive reviews tell algorithms that your podcast is something special. The more positive vibes you get, the more likely your podcast will be recommended to new listeners.

How to Ask Your Listeners To Take Action

  • Casual Call-to-Action: Drop those casual hints throughout your episodes. A simple “Hey, if you’re loving this, hit that subscribe button” can work wonders.
  • Gratitude goes a long way: Express your gratitude. Let your listeners know that their support means the world to you.
  • Incentivize the action: Offering incentives can nudge your listeners to take action. Maybe it’s a shout-out in the next episode for subscribers or a chance to win some cool podcast merch for those who leave reviews.
  • Create a sharing buzz: Encourage your listeners to share their favorite moments on social media. You could even create a dedicated hashtag for your podcast community.

Strategy #4: Publish at Strategic Times

First things first, let’s break down why timing matters in the podcasting universe. Every day, there are peak times when people are hungry for new content. Think about your daily routine – the morning commute, the lunch break, the evening wind-down. These are prime moments when listeners are tuning in, and you want your podcast to be right there!

Timing your episode release cleverly means you’re not just throwing your content into the abyss. You’re strategically placing it when your potential listeners are most likely to hit play. For example:

  1. The morning commute: Let’s start with the early birds – the ones who kick off their day with a cup of coffee and a podcast. Drop your episode early in the day, and you’re tapping into a prime listening slot. It’s like being the morning radio show that everyone tunes in to before the workday kicks in.
  2. The lunch break: Now, who doesn’t love a good lunch break escape? Whether your listeners are enjoying a quick bite at the office or savoring a sandwich in the park, this midday window is golden. Publishing during lunchtime means your podcast becomes the perfect companion during their break. It’s like being the favorite lunch spot that everyone flocks to.
  3. The evening unwind: As the sun sets and the day winds down, people crave some chill time. This is where the evening slot comes into play. Drop your episode during the late afternoon or early evening, and you’re hitting listeners when they’re winding down.
  4. The weekend: Ah, the weekend – the time when the world slows down, and leisure takes the front seat. Weekends are a podcasting playground. Whether it’s a lazy Saturday morning or a Sunday evening wind-down, releasing episodes on weekends is like hosting a podcasting fiesta. Listeners have more time to savor and engage with your content!

Tailoring Timing to Your Audience

Every podcast has its unique community with specific preferences. Are your listeners night owls or early birds? Do they love a midweek pick-me-up, or are weekends their go-to podcast time?

Tailoring your publishing times to match your audience’s habits is like customizing a playlist for a road trip – it makes the journey enjoyable for everyone. So, first, learn who your listeners are… and then go get them during those important time slots!

Now, while timing is crucial, consistency is your trusty sidekick. Whether you choose mornings, afternoons, or weekends, stick to a schedule that your listeners can rely on.

Strategy #5: Optimize for Search Engines

When people are on the hunt for a new podcast, where do they go? You guessed it – search engines. Whether it’s Google, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify, optimizing for search means your podcast gets a front-row seat when listeners are typing in their queries.

The podcasting universe is expanding fast, so optimizing for search engines is your ticket to rising above the noise. What’s more important is that SEO isn’t just about attracting random listeners; it’s about connecting with your audience. When your podcast appears in search results for relevant keywords, you’re reaching people who are genuinely interested in your content.

Understanding Your Audience’s Language (And Being Patient)

SEO isn’t just about algorithms and keywords; it’s about understanding the language of your audience. Dive into forums, social media, and reviews to grasp how your listeners talk about your podcast’s niche. Speak their language, and search engines will love you for it.

But also, SEO is a marathon, not a sprint. Results might not be instantaneous, but they’re worth the wait. Keep refining your strategy, stay up-to-date with trending keywords, and watch your podcast climb the SEO ranks. The secret sauce to SEO success is consistency. Whether it’s your publishing schedule, keyword usage, or episode formatting, consistency tells search engines that your podcast is a reliable source.

How to Do SEO for Your Podcast

Now, you’re probably wondering, “How do I sprinkle that SEO magic on my podcast?” Fear not, here are some easy tips:

  • Keywords: Keywords are your podcast’s best friends in the SEO game. Think about the terms your potential listeners might type into a search bar when looking for content like yours.
  • Titles and Descriptions: Your podcast title and episode descriptions are the front door to your audio haven. Craft them with care, infusing relevant keywords naturally.
  • Transcriptions: Have you ever heard of podcast transcriptions? They’re gold mines for SEO. Transcribing your episodes means search engines can crawl through the text, indexing your content for relevant keywords. You can upload your transcriptions to your podcast website, too.
  • Tags: Use relevant tags for your episodes, making it easier for search engines to understand your content.
  • Cover Art: Believe it or not, your podcast cover art matters in the SEO game. A visually appealing cover attracts more clicks, boosting your podcast’s visibility.

Strategy #6: Cross-Promotion with Other Podcasters

In the vast world of podcasting, collaboration is the name of the game. Cross-promotion is essentially teaming up with fellow podcasters to share the successes. In other words, it’s like being part of a podcast alliance where each member brings their unique strengths to the table.

Cross-promotion can open the door to a whole new listener universe because, when you promote each other’s podcasts, you’re reaching audiences that might not have stumbled upon your show organically. It’s a win-win, where both podcasts get a chance to shine in front of fresh ears.

The Power of Recommendations

Think about how you discover new things – it’s often through recommendations from friends. Cross-promotion is the podcasting version of a friend saying, “Hey, you’ve got to check out this show!” Recommendations carry weight, and when a fellow podcaster vouches for your content, it’s like getting a golden ticket to new listeners’ playlists.

Every podcaster has their unique style, strengths, and niche. Cross-promotion allows you to leverage those strengths. So, for example, if your podcast excels in humor, you could team up with a podcaster known for insightful interviews.

The Trust Factor

Here’s the key ingredient to successful cross-promotion – trust. Trust builds over time, so start with podcasts you genuinely admire and build those cross-promotion relationships organically.

Consistency isn’t just crucial for your podcast; it applies to cross-promotion, too. So, if possible, try to make it a regular thing. The more consistent you are, the more trust you build, and the more effective the cross-promotion becomes.

How to Cross-Promote With The Best Podcasts

Now, you might be wondering, “How do I kick off this cross-promotion fiesta?” Well, it’s not as complicated as it sounds.

  • First, discover your podcast soulmates: Find podcasts that align with your content, vibe, or audience (you can use directories, ask your podcast audience, or use LinkedIn and social media platforms). Think of it like choosing a teammate – look for shows that complement your show, rather than compete with it.
  • Craft tailored promos: Make engaging promo content that highlights the essence of your podcast. Be genuine, be you, and let their listeners know why they should hit play.
  • Return the favor: It’s a two-way street. When you promote another podcast, other podcast hosts will likely return the favor. Explain to your audience what value they’d get from tuning in to this other podcast.
  • Collaborate on episodes: Take it a step further by collaborating on special episodes as part of your podcast promotion efforts. Whether it’s joint interviews, discussions, or themed episodes, collaborations add an extra layer of excitement.
  • Share each other’s back catalogs: Don’t just focus on the latest episodes; dive into each other’s back catalogs. Your listeners might discover a backlog of episodes that resonate with them.

Strategy #7: Engage in Online Communities

Engaging in various communities can be your golden ticket to building connections, expanding your audience, and injecting some serious podcasting mojo. Whether it’s a subreddit, a Facebook group, or a niche forum, these spaces are where your potential listeners are hanging out.

Navigating the Right Spaces

Not all online communities are created equal. So, this is all about finding the spaces that align with your podcast’s niche and vibe. If you have a comedy podcast, for example, you could explore humor-focused communities. For true crime aficionados, you may dive into crime-solving forums.

Communities are hubs of knowledge and advice. So, try to dive into discussions, seek advice when needed, and share your podcasting journey. While engagement is key, it’s important to strike a balance. Don’t be that person at the party who only talks about themselves. Contribute to discussions, support others, and genuinely be part of the community.

Engagement is the key, and it goes beyond shameless self-promotion. It’s about being an active participant. So, share your thoughts on relevant topics, ask questions, and contribute meaningfully.

Harnessing the Power of Giveaways

Now, let’s talk about a little secret weapon – giveaways. Hosting giveaways within these communities is like throwing confetti at your podcast celebration. It’s a way to get people excited, create buzz around your podcast and your digital marketing, and, most importantly, give back to your community.

Whether it’s exclusive merchandise, behind-the-scenes access, or even a shout-out in your next episode, giveaways add an extra layer of excitement to your engagement strategy.

Striking a Balance

Engaging in online communities is more than a strategy; it’s about embracing the social aspect of podcasting. It’s about connecting with your audience, discovering new perspectives, and building a community around your podcast. So put on your party hat and dive into those discussions.


Recording and producing your podcast is, of course, essential. But making sure people can find it is just as crucial! And there’s one last piece of marketing advice we have to share: choose the right podcast recording platform.

We believe that’s StreamYard. Because it not only lets you record your podcast in high-definition local recordings unaffected by internet issues, but it also lets you live stream your podcast, and easily create short-form clips to share on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube Shorts — which is one of the most effective ways to grow a podcast right now.

You (and your guests) can use StreamYard directly from your browser, no downloads required. And yes, we have a free plan.

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